Product News
Below you'll find announcements of selected Orchid Systems product releases. More detail about these (and other product updates) can be found in the Release Notes in our Online Help.
Product News
- Product updates for Extender, EFT , Inter-Entity, and RMA versions 2021, 2020 and 2019 - Refer to release notes and updates tab for details on fixes and changes
- New workflow templates to send conditional emails for OE Orders
- New workflow template to approve and post Bank Entries
New product update for EFT Processing includes sundry fixes. Refer to EFT Options > Update Tab for details. As this PU contains new fields to support the change in the EFT Transfer Details Report and more fields on the EFT Banks, after downloading and installing the PU you will need to re-activate the module in all companies where EFT Processing has been activated.
EFT Processing V2021 - PU2.01
- Formats.ini file is now locked for improved security. To amend or create a new format, use Userformats.ini file.
- Warning message if you run EFT Processing on a machine where the product update installed is an earlier version than an update installed on another server or workstation.
Also applies to v2020 PU3, v2019 PU3 and v2018PU7
This week we officially launched the latest addition to our Extender suite, a made-for-mobile App version of the Extender Workflow Console. Workflow Anywhere was developed by AutoSimply in conjunction with Orchid.
To get started,
The latest product update of Freight SmartLink versions 2018 and above supports export of additional details relating to Dangerous Goods.
For details, refer to the Freight SmartLink documentation.
Document Management Link now includes the ability to include {orgid} and date documents are attached ({yyyy}, {mm}, {dd} in the network folder path.
Refer to the Online documentation and F1 help for more details
Example: Using {ORGID}
It includes speed improvements for finders and changes to workflow users licencing.
Release of Sage 300 2021 (v6.8)
All Orchid modules compatible with v2021 are now available.
A reminder that prior version modules are not compatible with System Manager v2021. for example, you need to run EFT Processing v2021 with Sage 300 v2021 System Manager.
The GL Account Summary across 2 databases Info-Explorer cube now includes the Opening balance from GLAFS. This improves the Consolidated Balance Sheet view. To download, Info-Explorer GL Account Summary across 2 databases cube
We've released a fix in August 2020 to the following issue relating to using IC Item number change with Bin Tracking, Serial Numbers and/or Lot numbers.
If you use IC Item Number Change please make sure you are using the latest Product Update for Bin Tracking.