Product News

Below you'll find announcements of selected Orchid Systems product releases. More detail about these (and other product updates) can be found in the Release Notes in our Online Help.

Product News

Bin Tracking v2023 released

Bin Tracking v2023 has now been released. All Orchid modules except Freight SmartLink have now been released. Freight SmartLink coming soon. 

Extender v2023 released and new product update for Extender v2020, 2021 and 2022

Extender PU12.01 released.

New Extender product update includes compatibility for version 2023 and sundry fixes for versions 2020, 2021, and 2022. 

EFT Processing for Sage Intacct is now available
EFT Processing for Sage Intacct, the latest addition to Orchid's portfolio of Sage Add-ons, is now available. Click through for more information.
Sage 300 version 2023 compatibility release for EFT Processing, RMA and Inter-Entity
The first V2023 compatibility releases for Orchid's Sage 300 modules are now available. Click through for status updates and further details.
Support for using Microsoft Graph to email from Office 365
Orchid modules that send emails now support the use of Microsoft Graph for emailing from Office 365, with modern authentication. Click through for details.
Complex password support in Process Scheduler
The latest Product Updates for Process Scheduler support Sage 300's complex passwords (available in the latest PUs of Sage System Manager versions 2020, 2021, and 2022).
Complex Password support (Inter-Entity & RMA)
The latest Product Updates for Inter-Entity and Return Material Authorizations (RMA) support Sage 300's complex passwords.
Modulo eImagePac to DML Conversion
Our new Extender module facilitates moving files from Modulo eImagePac to Document Management Link (DML) network folders.
Inter-Entity PU to fix sundry Integration mapping issues
You can now successfully map OE Shipment Tracking No field to a PO Receipt field, and vice-versa. 
Extender PU11 Enhancements

Extender PU11 is now available for all supported versions.  Enhancements include

  • The ability to configure the fields where Extender needs to store the Original Value and New Value in a script.

  • Ability to let scripts run in a Python shared environment. 

  • New features in the Modules screen.

New EFT & Extender Product Updates
EFT Processing now includes an option to configure EFT Banks to upload to SFTP with 2-Factor Authentication (2FA).  For Extender, we've added 2 new Configurator Workflow Actions, and also the ability to attach files to a message template.