News and tips for supporting the 6000+ businesses who rely on Orchid’s Sage 300 add-ons.
(Note: Links to KnowledgeBase and other partner-only resources will require you to log in to our website.)
  • v2022 Compatibility Release: All our v2022 modules are now available for download
  • v2022 Sample Data: Coming soon! Keep an eye on this article for status updates
This month we feature a selection of Apps that perform similar functions. At the click of a button:
  • Create a PDF version of an OE/PO document
  • File it away for future reference (E.g. via DML)
  • Email it to the Customer/Vendor contacts

Upcoming Events: 
With COVID-19 disrupting our travel plans we're focusing on Webinars and other virtual events to stay in touch.
  • 14-Dec: Orchid Webinar - Topic TBA
See our Events page for details and registration. Follow our Twitter account for event announcements & updates.
Articles you might have missed:

Work, life, balance…Great changes are afoot

Great Disruption, Great Resignation, Great Reshuffle…social commentators have been kept busy trying to make sense of emerging changes in attitudes to work and life.

Orchid rated MVP of Sage 300 ISVs

Who is the "Most Valuable Partner" when it comes to Sage 300 ISVs? A recent survey put Orchid at the top of the list.
Videos you might have missed:
Multi-Entity Analysis & Reporting - Webinar

At last week's webinar, John Paterson (Dingosoft) and Anne showed how Dingosoft FRS and Orchid Info-Explorer can be used, together or individually, for multi-entity, cross-database financial analysis and reporting with Sage 300.
Budgeting (General Ledger level)
The 1st scenario from our October webinar.

Sage 300 budgeting at the GL level using Info-Explorer (with Budget Writeback) and Optional Tables (with Excel Add-in). 
Budgeting (GL + Optional Field)
The 2nd scenario from our October webinar.

Sage 300 budgeting at the GL & Transactional Optional Field level (e.g. Project Budgeting) using Info-Explorer and Optional Tables. 
Budgeting (Sub-ledger level)
The 3rd scenario from our October webinar.

Sage 300 budgeting at the Sub-ledger level (e.g. Customer & Item budgeting) using Info-Explorer and Optional Tables. 
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Ideas welcome!

Contact us if you have suggestions for blogs, technical articles, videos, webinars, case studies etc.