Detail Optional Fields
Misc. Utilities
Bank Services
Adds Optional Field capabilities to Detail Views that don't otherwise have them (e.g. Bank Entries).
- Detail Optional Fields are easy to set up and configure, and are functionally identical to Sage’s Optional Fields
- They can have default values, are stored in the database by related object key, and are easily used in reporting
- All fields are added to the appropriate grid, so the optional data can be managed inline with the related object
- Optional Fields are transcribed to the G/L Entry Optional Fields
How does it work? (Example)
Optional Fields are defined in Common Services, as normal.
- E.g. Create the CUSTLIST Optional Field with values of Company 1, Company 2:
They can then be assigned to the desired Detail View, with a default value, via an Extender Custom Table.
- E.g. Assign the CUSTLIST Optional Field to Bank Entries.
They then appear as columns in the detail grid.
- Values flow through to the GL Entry Optional Fields.
App Type
Provides useful functionality ‘out of the box’. (May require configuration, but not coding.)
Orchid Systems
Orchid Systems, a Sage Tech Partner, has been part of the Sage community for over 25 years. Extender is just one of our innovative add-on modules designed to enhance the functionality of Sage 300.
Your Sage Solution Provider can source these apps, determine their suitability for your requirements, and provide you with pricing.
Do you have a requirement you think could be met with an Extender App, but you can't see it listed here? Your Sage Solution Provider can help you document the requirement, then either build the app for you or identify a suitable developer.
- These apps were built by the developers named under the app descriptions, and the associated intellectual property vests with them.
- Orchid Systems does not support or provide any warranty for the apps (unless the developer is listed as Orchid Systems).
- Everyone’s requirements and environments differ, so be sure to thoroughly test any apps you acquire before loading them in your live environment.
- These apps are designed to work in conjunction with Orchid Extender (Developer Edition), which in turn requires Sage 300 to be installed.
- The app developer (via your Sage Solution Provider) can provide you with the full list of requirements for specific apps.