Join us for a full day of "Orchid Speed Training", designed to give Consultants and Sales Professionals an understanding of Orchid’s range of Sage 300 Add-ons.
Date: Saturday 9-November
Time: (08:30 for) 09:00 to 17:00
Venue: Penang, Malaysia (Shangri-La Rasa Payang, Mesra III room)
Cost: No charge (but registration is required)
Included (TBC): Refreshments, morning & afternoon tea, lunch
Aim of the Training
There will be a balance of sales/marketing and technical implementation information. The goal is to position Orchid's solutions, so you understand how to:
- Identify opportunities with your clients and sell the benefits to them.
- Implement the products effectively, with an understanding of common implementation questions & issues.
- There will be a particular focus on our most popular modules, e.g. EFT Processing, Document Management Link, and Extender.
The day will be interactive, with plenty of opportunity to ask questions.
How to Register
While there won't be any charge to attend, registration is mandatory. We'll provide further information to registered attendees closer to the event.
Places are strictly limited, so please register early to avoid disappointment by emailing us at Include Penang Training in the subject line, providing your:
- Name
- Company (business partner)
- Business role (e.g. sales or consulting)
- Contact details (email address & mobile phone number)